Competition starts . . . and ends . . . with you. - Fresh Concepts Skip to main content

Competition starts . . . and ends . . . with you.


In my book, Unstuck at Last: Using Your Strengths to Get What You Want, I come clean about my competitive nature. While a male author might have chosen to brag about his competitiveness, I felt a certain shame and disgust with my need to win at all costs and constantly push myself.

Until I fully acknowledged that I consistently competed against the same woman (that person I saw in the mirror every single morning), I was embarrassed to admit my need to outdo her. Every day. Every week. Every month. Every year. Recognizing that I am my own worst and best competition has been liberating. I no longer need to hide my competitiveness from anyone. I can set specific goals that are based on my past performance. I can happily cheer others on who are on their own journey.

Initially learning my StrengthsFinder results was a stunning shock. Owning my strengths, especially my Competition, has been an enriching adventure. It has also allowed me to feel unstuck. At last.

Go to for more about Sarah’s book.

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