Happy Fun at Work Day - Fresh Concepts Skip to main content

Happy Fun at Work Day

Happy April 1!

April Fool’s Day 🤡 and International Fun at Work Day 🎉 are simultaneously celebrated for a no-fooling 🤣 important topic: having fun and creating a fun work atmosphere is good for you 🏥 , your business 📈 , and your ability to have new insights⚡. Really⁉

Absolutely. 💯

Here’s the research that backs up the claims above. Having fun at work is:

✅ Good for YOU: 

According to data by Great Places to Work, employees are three ❌ more likely to experience well-being if they work in a fun environment. And what’s remarkable is that these results are consistent across age groups!

✅Good for your BUSINESS:

Employees who have fun at work tend to be more focused, creative, and persistent in completing tasks.


Fun is a great way to have our brains “take a breath.” We’ve all experienced that uncanny experience of having an idea almost formulated . . . but not being able to fully formulate our new insight until we decide to go for a walk, work on a puzzle, or take a shower. This mental rest time – or fun time – seems to trigger the completion of the idea and our ah-ha moment is fully realized. 

In sum, enjoying your work day is a win-win-win!

Wishing you a fun, healthy, productive, and insightful start to the new quarter.

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