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Twitter: Inform, not MeForm

  PsyBlog put out a great article today entitled “Twitter – 7 Highly Effective Habits.” My favorite among the 7 tips is the second on the list “Inform, not meform”.  What the author means by this is that giving knowledge to others is a great way to use Twitter, but imparting more information about oneself […]

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College Degrees Required, Not Preferred

The New York Times article that ran two days ago (February 19, 2013) indicates that the “college degree is becoming the new high school diploma: the minimum requirement, albeit an expensive one, for getting the lowest-level job”  (http:// As a college instructor, I am not surprised by the depressing title of this article “It Takes […]

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Do you?

Do you love your job?  Today, on Valentine’s Day, love of work should possibly take a back seat to love of people.  Or should it? One of the top contributors to job satisfaction and engagement among employees is having the opportunity to use their skills and abilities at work, according to the 2011 Society for […]

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Need a Great Workplace Training Video?

I fully support the use of training videos in the workplace, but let’s make sure they are well-chosen and educating.  Showing a poorly created, outdated, or entertaining but vague training video to employees is like feeding them a lunch comprised of Big Macs, super-sized fries, and big gulp Cokes.  Viewers will leave the training session […]

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Job Satisfaction: Necessity or Luxury?

When unemployment rates are uncomfortably high and profit levels flat, businesses may inappropriately reason that surveying employees about their job satisfaction is a luxury that only mega-corporations can afford. However, research tells us that job satisfaction is correlated with greater customer loyalty, better safety, lower absenteeism, and lower turnover rates.  And while some employers understand […]

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Finding Your Path

“Find the thing you do best in the world, and success will follow.” While growing up this was the advice my parents gave when I frequently asked how I would ever be able to decide upon a career. I was a young grade-schooler at the time but regardless, this advice seemed farfetched. Had my dad […]

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How Employees Succeed – Grit

  Paul Tough’s book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character is not just great reading for those who are interested in finding answers to the educational questions that plague our country, it’s fantastic reading for those who are curious about predicting employee success. In fact, I’d be thrilled if Tough’s […]

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