CliftonStrengths Archives - Fresh Concepts Skip to main content

Kids and Strengths

I hope you are enjoying longer days and an increased allotment of family fun. Hey, have you ever wondered what your kids’ strengths are? If your answer is a resounding “yes,” you’re not alone. Here are the “Top 5” (pun intended!) questions I field related to CliftonStrengths and kids:

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Do what Fortune 500 companies do!

What can small and medium sized businesses learn from the “big dogs” 🐶 ? To put it simply: focus on your employees’ talents and strengths. See why and how below. ⬇ It’s easy to dismiss some Fortune 500 practices as impractical or out of reach since their enormous revenue makes almost anything possible. (The revenue […]

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Social Butterfly

Be Authentic This Holiday Season!

So, ya wanna be a social butterfly this holiday season? If so, ya wanna WOO ’em. (WOO is #strengths-talk for Winning Others Over!) I’ve got a solution to this sticky situation! See below. ⬇️ But in case you’re short on time, I’ll cut to the chase. The Bad News☹️: Sorry, but unless you have WOO in your […]

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Recognizing and Compensating for BLIND SPOTS

The French refer to a blind spot as angle mort which literally means dead angle. Very apt indeed.  There are at least 4 different types of blind spots. Are you watching out for and compensating for each type? Read on to be sure you are avoiding these visual and cognitive errors.  Be on the lookout […]

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Want to Know the Secret to Live to 95?

  What’s it take to be 95-years young? And more importantly, 95-years strong? Read on to learn the delightful secrets of Geradline Corr. Geraldine was born on March 12, 1926 in Chicago. She is 95 years old. Two years ago she moved into a Northside Indy retirement community. The move enabled her to be closer […]

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Three Secrets to Giving Meaningful Gifts

It’s that time of year again: December. Are you considering everyone you want to buy for and wondering how you can possibly find the perfect gift for each person on your list? I am always thrilled when I find the perfect gift for a friend or loved-one. There is a certain rush that occurs when […]

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Pre-Gaming with Santa: Harnessing His Strengths for the BIG DAY

Like so many long-time clients, Santa appreciates a bit of coaching before a major event. After a few years of experimentation, we’ve finally found that it works best to have two pre-scheduled strengths coaching calls during the year. We normally connect at the beginning of THE MOST IMPORTANT MONTH (and most wonderful time) OF THE […]

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