Are you prepared for your next interview?

It takes less than a minute to Google “Most frequently asked interview questions.” Despite the few seconds that are required to complete this task, many interviewees come to interviews unprepared to answer them and end up underwhelming their interviewers. When I work with individuals who are prepping for an interview, they usually moan when I […]

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Learning about strengths EARLY pays off

Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of speaking to Brebeuf Jesuit Prepartory School’s Ignatian Scholars. These high achieving students are in class designed to help them fulfill their potentials – inside and outside of school. Their instructor, Todd Howard, first asked them to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment and then requested that I explain their fascinating […]

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Great Career Advice . . . But Is It Realistic?

Have you read the book or seen the 2006 movie “The Pursuit of Happyness?” Actor Will Smith portrays the life of Chris Gardner – a single-father with a rags-to-riches tale. The most poignant period in the movie occurs when father and son sleep in a public bathroom at night while the father learns to become […]

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What Now? 3 Tips for New Graduates

The graduation parties have come and gone. The flurry of activities that were initiated in the wee hours of the night while cramming for finals and culminated at the cap and gown ceremony have at last come to an end. You can almost hear the graduates and their parents exhaling and see the “We made […]

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Hilarious Video – Can This Help Us to Communicate Better at Work too?

It’s not surprising that Jason Headley’s recent video, above, has gone viral. It’s a hilarious take on how difficult communication between two loving people can be. Those of us who are fixers want to fix! Those of us who are talkers want to be heard! We carry our need to be a fixer or a […]

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