Productivity Hack: Get More Done with Less Effort

Want to shake off the winter doldrums and 🎇 reignite 🎇 your productivity? Read on to learn what happens when we harness the powerful Pareto Principle to manage our time. 🕰 According to the Pareto Principle, approximately 20 percent of our efforts produce 80 percent of the results. Learning to recognize and then focus on […]

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Strengths-Based Teamwork = Dreamwork

Question:  What do you get when you mix an Empathic Ensemble, three Interesting Inputs, and four Wonderful Woos? Answer: The great team at Health by Design. Thank you HBD for tapping into your individual and shared strengths and becoming an EVEN STONGER team. The mission of this non-profit organization is to increase our community’s access […]

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Need Gift Ideas?

Need gift ideas? A bit stressed? Look no further! 👀 This gifting package is perfect for everyone on your list (over the age of 14). It’s literally one size fits ALL: trendy/traditional, tall/short, outgoing/introspective. And it fits your budget too! 💲 The long and interesting “what are your ‘top 5’ strengths?” convos are included at […]

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Let’s Get Your Wheels Turning . . . Ways to Empower Women

What did your organization do to acknowledge Women’s History Month last month? Nothing? Oops! Read on to prevent this mistake next year! You don’t want to be caught empty handed and scrambling for ideas when March 2023 approaches. Here are tips that any size organization can follow: #1: Start EARLY⏰Example: A large midwestern organization with […]

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Recognizing and Compensating for BLIND SPOTS

The French refer to a blind spot as angle mort which literally means dead angle. Very apt indeed.  There are at least 4 different types of blind spots. Are you watching out for and compensating for each type? Read on to be sure you are avoiding these visual and cognitive errors.  Be on the lookout […]

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Want to Know the Secret to Live to 95?

  What’s it take to be 95-years young? And more importantly, 95-years strong? Read on to learn the delightful secrets of Geradline Corr. Geraldine was born on March 12, 1926 in Chicago. She is 95 years old. Two years ago she moved into a Northside Indy retirement community. The move enabled her to be closer […]

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There are New Ways to Lead People: Want to FRESHEN Up?

Managing people is harder than ever. COVID didn’t just change the world but also changed the DNA of our workplace in many ways. This new environment presents challenges with competing priorities from an increasingly dispersed workforce. Our leaders must change as well to lead effectively in this new era. Leadership practices – ones that rely […]

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