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Do what Fortune 500 companies do!

What can small and medium sized businesses learn from the “big dogs” 🐶 ? To put it simply: focus on your employees’ talents and strengths. See why and how below. ⬇ It’s easy to dismiss some Fortune 500 practices as impractical or out of reach since their enormous revenue makes almost anything possible. (The revenue […]

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Choose Optimism

Incorporating optimism into your daily life can have a wonderful impact on your personal and professional growth. Research tells us that optimists set more goals than pessimists and rise above challenges more easily. Why? Read on! Scientifically speaking, there is no such thing as being lucky. However, thinking that you are lucky can produce meaningful […]

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Productivity Hack: Get More Done with Less Effort

Want to shake off the winter doldrums and 🎇 reignite 🎇 your productivity? Read on to learn what happens when we harness the powerful Pareto Principle to manage our time. 🕰 According to the Pareto Principle, approximately 20 percent of our efforts produce 80 percent of the results. Learning to recognize and then focus on […]

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7 Tips for Making Your Own Luck!

It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! It’s almost St. Patrick’s Day! Want some tips on becoming lucky – without the hassle of looking for a four-leaf cover? As a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, I help individuals, teams, and entire organizations MAKE their own luck. Here are a few tips: 1. . Then, give it away. What […]

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Strengths-Based Teamwork = Dreamwork

Question:  What do you get when you mix an Empathic Ensemble, three Interesting Inputs, and four Wonderful Woos? Answer: The great team at Health by Design. Thank you HBD for tapping into your individual and shared strengths and becoming an EVEN STONGER team. The mission of this non-profit organization is to increase our community’s access […]

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What About a New Year’s Habit, Not a New Year’s Resolution

Thinking about a News Year’s resolution? Research shows that by February as many as 80% of New Year’s resolutions will have gone by the wayside. So, what’s a better idea? Check this out! ⬇ Here’s a fresh idea for making 2023 great: initiate a new habit that supports a long term goal. A few years ago, after […]

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Need Gift Ideas?

Need gift ideas? A bit stressed? Look no further! 👀 This gifting package is perfect for everyone on your list (over the age of 14). It’s literally one size fits ALL: trendy/traditional, tall/short, outgoing/introspective. And it fits your budget too! 💲 The long and interesting “what are your ‘top 5’ strengths?” convos are included at […]

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Social Butterfly

Be Authentic This Holiday Season!

So, ya wanna be a social butterfly this holiday season? If so, ya wanna WOO ’em. (WOO is #strengths-talk for Winning Others Over!) I’ve got a solution to this sticky situation! See below. ⬇️ But in case you’re short on time, I’ll cut to the chase. The Bad News☹️: Sorry, but unless you have WOO in your […]

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Nation Author's Day

Happy National Author’s Day Nov 1

Nov 1 is National Author’s Day. Phew! You didn’t miss it! You still have time to celebrate an author who has impacted you. Not sure what “celebrating an author” looks like? Ideas below! ⬇ 1️⃣ . Write a review of a book that’s impacted you. Amazon makes review writing super easy. Do it T̳O̳D̳A̳Y̳! 2️⃣ . […]

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