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Worldwide Unhappiness: It’s Real, What Can YOU Do?

  Learning the extent of worldwide unhappiness is not fun. But it is important. Below are some shocking findings: 🔴72% of women worldwide (nearly 2 billion) report that they are either struggling or suffering. 🔴10% of women reported having no close friends in 2021, up from 2% in 1990. 🔴15% of men reported having no […]

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Are You Authentic?

Are you authentic? Do you value authenticity in leadership? At today’s Indy Chamber breakfast event, Seth Morales touched on the importance of authenticity and even shared a vulnerable moment – capturing his authenticity. Want to know how? He cried. In front of people. Like all his employees. Why? Well, Seth was speaking to his ever-growing staff at the Morales […]

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Let’s Get Your Wheels Turning . . . Ways to Empower Women

What did your organization do to acknowledge Women’s History Month last month? Nothing? Oops! Read on to prevent this mistake next year! You don’t want to be caught empty handed and scrambling for ideas when March 2023 approaches. Here are tips that any size organization can follow: #1: Start EARLY⏰Example: A large midwestern organization with […]

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#TuesdayGiving – Got Plans?

Do you have big plans for the rest of today, #givingtuesday? Not so much? Well, just in case you’re open to suggestions I’ll share my plans . . . and possibly get your wheels turning. You are probably familiar with the idea that it makes sense to think globally but act locally. The concept here […]

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Recognizing and Compensating for BLIND SPOTS

The French refer to a blind spot as angle mort which literally means dead angle. Very apt indeed.  There are at least 4 different types of blind spots. Are you watching out for and compensating for each type? Read on to be sure you are avoiding these visual and cognitive errors.  Be on the lookout […]

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Want to Know the Secret to Live to 95?

  What’s it take to be 95-years young? And more importantly, 95-years strong? Read on to learn the delightful secrets of Geradline Corr. Geraldine was born on March 12, 1926 in Chicago. She is 95 years old. Two years ago she moved into a Northside Indy retirement community. The move enabled her to be closer […]

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There are New Ways to Lead People: Want to FRESHEN Up?

Managing people is harder than ever. COVID didn’t just change the world but also changed the DNA of our workplace in many ways. This new environment presents challenges with competing priorities from an increasingly dispersed workforce. Our leaders must change as well to lead effectively in this new era. Leadership practices – ones that rely […]

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Make Your Habits Work FOR You

Everyone has habits. Some work for us. Some work against us. Creating habits that improve our lives, our businesses, our communities, and the world around us is a worthy endeavor. Agree? Want some tips for changing your daily habits? First and foremost, please recognize that we control our habits . . . not the other […]

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